❄️OWL Distributor

The OWL Distributor distributes Swap Fees to the OsFoundry Stakers

The OSDistributor receives DEX swap fees from the setFee to address of the OwlSwapFactory Contract. The fees are in the form of OLP Tokens. OWL Token holders can publicly call the Distribute function to convert the OLP Tokens to OWL and distribute them. 70% of the OWL is sent to the OsFoundry/Stakers, 20% is use as a Prophet Sacrifice to buy and burn PRO, and 10% of the OWL is sent to the dead address. If the OracleTreasury address is not zero, then half of the Prophet sacrifice will go to OsTreasury. Some OLPs like PRO/WSGB cannot be converted because of the burn function. These types of OLPs get sent to the PRO/NFT MultiStaking System. Anyone holding $OWL can call the DIST/BURN function if LPTs are Available!

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