Delegate to the OracleSwap STSO or FTSO to earn passive income.
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Delegate to the OracleSwap STSO or FTSO to earn passive income.
Last updated
The OracleSwap FTSO is currently Offline. OracleSwap plans to launch a new FTSO with a new address in the future.
Good to know: When you Delegate to an FTSO your funds are fully secure and still remain in your own wallet under your control. This lets you earn without any third-party risk and gives you peace of mind that your assets remain in your possession.
The Oracle Swap FTSO uses a machine learning algorithm to aggregate price data of various coins from various exchanges, and submits them to the Blockchain. The more accurate the price data is the better the rewards can be. This is measured by the "Success Rate" metric as display on the Songbird FTSO Monitor. Users earn by delegating their WSGB/WFLR as a vote to FTSO providers. One of the Songbird/Flare Networks innovations is this unique price data system. A bit of data about the outside world (I.E. weather, prices, game outcomes etc... ) that is returned and stored into the blockchain. OracleSwap submits price data on both Songbird and Flare Network. Users can Delegate to OracleSwap STSO/FTSO using the earn dApp. https://earn.oracleswap.io/ You can track Rewards Rates and other metrics of FTSOs in Real Time using the Flare Metrics or Songbird FTSO Monitor Tool.